Economic Diplomacy as Catalyst for Development in Liberia: Investigating the Influence of Multinational Corporations (MNCs), NGOs, and State Policy under Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (2006–2018)

Proposal Guidelines

The proposal should include the following structured components:

  1. Background of the Study
  2. Problem Statement
  3. Research Aim and Objectives
  4. Research Questions
  5. Brief Literature Review
  6. Significance of the Study
  7. Proposed Methodology
  8. Research Ethics (if any)
  9. Timelines /Organisation of the Study
  10. Resources
  11. References


  1. To examine the significant impact of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) on shaping Liberia’s economic diplomacy during the presidency of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
  2. To thoroughly assess how state policies influenced and propelled economic diplomacy throughout Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s administration.
  3. To critically evaluate the significant impact that external factors have on shaping Economic Diplomacy.


  1. How significantly did multinational corporations (MNCs) influence economic development and shape diplomatic relations in Liberia during this period?
  2. What were the essential public policy and economic diplomacy strategies implemented by Sirleaf’s government that shaped the nation’s development?
  3. What significant role did international organizations—such as the World Bank, African Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, African Union, and ECOWAS—play in shaping Liberia’s economic development during Sirleaf’s presidency?

Use the following guide to help you address each of the structured components of the research proposal:

1. Provide your motivation for the study.

2. Identify the gaps in the literature your proposed study seeks to fill.

3. Propose research objectives to address the gaps identified in the literature.

4. Identify theory/theories in this area that explain(s) the proposed objectives.

5. Explain the significance of the proposed research to theory and practice.

6. Discuss the study design and how study subjects or participants will be selected if any.

7. Discuss the inclusion and exclusion criteria for study participants.

8. Describe the type of data, data source and how data is to be collected.

9. What steps will be taken to ensure the reliability and validity of the measurement instrument, if any?

10. Describe the research population and how an appropriate sample size would be chosen using sampling techniques, with justification.

11. Discuss the research approach and the statistical techniques/methods chosen in answering each of the research questions. Justify why the techniques are appropriate. Relevant literature should be cited. What are the assumptions or limitations underlying the chosen technique/method?

12. What are the ethical issues that must be considered, if any?

13. Show the timelines for each stage of the proposed study, from start to completion of each task.

14. Identify the availability and/or non-availability of resources (e.g., statistical software, data access, finance, etc.) that might help or limit the study.

15. Provide an alphabetical list of the literature you cite in your proposal, as well as references to the data sources you intend to use.

Important Proposal Instructions

  1. Appropriate citations should be provided using the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style.
  2. You must use not less than 14 in-text references (articles/books) with full reference details in the reference list. Note that two-thirds of the reading materials should be current peer-reviewed journal articles (from 2013).

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