First draft due 3/3, peer review 3/9, then second draft due 4/7, second peer review 4/13, then final draft due 5/4.
Paper Drafts
• The first draft should be at least five pages in length.
• The second draft should be at least 10 pages in length.
• The final draft should be at least 15 pages in length.
• Critical: the second draft and the final paper should build on previous drafts and should
address all the comments you receive from the instructor and your peers.
address all the comments you receive from the instructor and your peers.
• The first and second drafts should be submitted on Sundays before the peer review sessions to give time to you and your partner to review the drafts before the Thursday
Peer Review
• After you submit your first and second drafts, the instructor will give you two papers written by other students and give your paper to two other students. You will have several days to review the papers and then discuss them with your partner during an in-class peer review session.
• You will be graded on the care and thoughtfulness with which you comment on your peers’ papers (not on what a peer says about your paper).
• A typed version of your comments should be submitted after the in-class peer review session.
• Please be respectful and professional when providing feedback.