Economic value attributed to Venice by local and international tourists (backpackers only have to be interviewed)

**Before starting the following part you have first to go to through the assignment to have a comprhensive understanding of what is required**

Analysis and results chapter:


Your task is to design a codebook in SPSS and
fill in the values for 380 respondents (you may make these up, if you wish).
Ensure you perform univariate statistics: frequencies, descriptive tables AND univariate
graphs of reasonable choice. Ensure you perform bivariate statistics:
cross-tables with each  chi-square,  compare means table with a
t-test AND  bi-variate graph. Write everything up in one Results &
Analysis chapter including the tables and graphs previously mentioned, just as
you would do for a report. Remember to not only state the results, but also
justify your choices (e.g. for cross-tables) and interpret the results
correctly in view of the literature review. Please make sure to include the
codebook, the tables, and the graphs including the expected analysis in your


 The chapter must display the data that was
collected, providing commentary on initial findings, then provide evidence of
data analysis with interpretation (not speculation) on new findings and their
implications. The theory of literature review should be used wherever relevant
to highlights what could support the findings. You should also provide some
comment on the validity and significance of each result. A clear link of
secondary and primary results should be provided. (Example: overall the findings
should show that international tourists value Venice more than the Italians)


Important to know about Analysis and Results chapter:

Results are an objective reflection of analysed data
and should not represent speculations of the author

• Findings should address the original issues for

• Critical reflection to the findings and its
(possible) limitations is given

• Author should give the impression that (s)he fully
understands the nature and relative importance of the findings

• Appropriate figures, tables, illustrations, quotes
etc. are used as an illustration of the text Analysis

• The results should be presented on an aggregate
level: meaning results should not be presented per question form questionnaire
or interview question but should be presented at the level of concepts in the
conceptual model or research questions

• The presented results are linked and compared to
theoretical concepts

• Where applicable, comparison with earlier research
(presented in the literature review) is given Referencing:

• References according to the given guidelines (APA

Final chapter conclusions & recommendations

chapter must draw together the various elements of the research and demonstrate
the value and relevance of the research. New data should be compared with what
was already known and conclusions drawn out. This chapter should also include:
Limitations/Evaluation of the research (unless they were stated earlier),
contribution of the research, specific recommendations for industry and further

Once data
has been analyzed and interpreted, the final step in the research process is to
write down the main conclusions and recommendations for practice, as well as
for further research. Taking the tasks before into consideration, write a
Conclusions & Recommendations chapter in which you underline how your
findings reply to the research aims, problem statement, and research
objectives. Include an evaluation of your own research, highlighting how your
research adds to knowledge. Please ensure that you also evaluate the
contribution of your research inputs to the SDGs that you selected in
Assignment 2. Even in cases where your research contribution contradicts or
negate one or multiple of the selected SDGs, please reflect in-depth on the
reasons for the given situation. On the basis of your conclusions, also write
down recommendations for practice and recommendations for further research,
making sure that the recommendations follow the SMART criteria.

Important to know about Conclusions and
Recommendations Conclusions:

• Conclusions provide an answer to the research

• Conclusions provide an answer to the problem

• Conclusions are based on the results presented in
the previous chapter

• Contribution of research is clearly presented,
limitations / evaluation of research as well

• Conclusions do NOT provide new results/information

• Recommendations are based the results from analysed
data and conclusions

• Recommendations are creative, adequate, realistic
and practical

• Recommendations are sustainable: a long term impact

• Recommendations for further research Referencing:

• References according to the given guidelines (APA

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