I have a research paper titled Effectiveness of Self-Esteem-Related Interventions on Suicidal Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials”
In which I want you to write the discussion for only the discussion.
Highlighting the main results and restating the aim of the study
Reference to relevant literature
Implications of clinical practice
Comparison to the current gold standard of care
Quality dependent on included studies
Potential publication bias
Heterogeneity among studies
Language and accessibility limitations
Possible oversimplification of complex issues
Future studies should address identified research gaps
Improve reporting standards to enhance quality of primary studies
Conduct sensitivity analyses to assess impact of potential biases
Consider individual patient data meta-analyses where possible
Regularly update the review to incorporate new evidence
Explore sources of heterogeneity through subgroup analyses
-you will start by writing our objective
Ten mention the number of included studies(12)
And then the number of studies that been included in the meta-analysis(3)
-mention the result of the meta-analysis
-compare self-esteem related intervention to different type of intervention by mentioning both of its effect ( search for meta-analysis that done to see the effect of any intervention on suicidal behavior and compare it effect to our result of the meta-analysis)
-provide different studies that did intervention to decrease suicide behaviors and compare it to our study
Implication for practice:*