Emma Watson, a renowned activist and actress once said “As consumers, we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy”.

Your response should be 1000 words.

Emma Watson, a renowned activist and actress once said “As consumers, we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy”.

Building on the content from previous units, and especially so on the topics of ethics and sustainability, discuss the compulsive buying behaviour, throwaway culture and consumerism which have become totally unsustainable, making irreversible changes to our environment.

In your response use a particular industry such as food and drink, textiles, clothing, oil and gas, or any other industry that you wish to use and discuss critically what changes could be made to make human consumption within that industry more sustainable.

Please think of sustainability in different terms including plastic waste, environmental damage, human rights violations including supply chain challenges such as child labour, inhumane working conditions and alike. Where does the problem lie? Is it the customer or the producer who should rethink their behaviour?

The following learning outcomes for the module are applicable to this assignment:

  • Critically evaluate how theories and models of consumer behaviour can be used to develop value propositions in a digital environment.
  • Analyse and evaluate consumer behaviour from a sustainable perspective according to existent theories and research.
  • Critically reflect upon the role of online consumption in society.
  • Critically assess and evaluate different consumer research methods, both online and offline.
  • Design and implement digital analytics tools that use consumer behaviour research to enhance the customer experience.

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