My research question is: What are the most effective pedagogical approaches for developing 21st-century skills through STEAM?My aim is to: My aim for this review is to find more effective pedagogical approaches for developing 21st-century skills through STEAM.I want to use the following references:
Bertrand, M.G. and Namukasa, I.K. (2022) ‘A pedagogical model for STEAM education,’ Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 16(2), pp. 169–191.
(Bertrand and Namukasa, 2022)
Wan, Z.H. et al. (2023) ‘STEM Integration in Primary Schools: Theory, implementation and impact,’ International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 21(S1), pp. 1–9.
(Wan et al., 2023)
Şeker, B.S. (2023) ‘An Analysıs of 21st-Century skılls knowledge and Experıences of Prımary school Teachers,’ International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 10(3), pp. 668–686.
(Şeker, 2023)
Zayyinah, Z. et al. (2022) ‘STEAM-Integrated Project based learning models: alternative to improve 21st century skills,’ Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research/Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research [Preprint].
(Zayyinah et al., 2022)
Fitria, D. et al. (2024) ‘Impact of Blended Problem-Based Learning on Students’ 21st Century Skills on Science Learning: A Meta-Analysis,’ International Journal of Education in Mathematics Science and Technology, 12(4), pp. 1032–1052.
(Fitria et al., 2024)