Essay topic 3: Greenwashing or Genuine Sustainable Marketing 2000 words Consumer Behaviour

Make Sure the brand is a UK Brand. Make a good quality essay. Please send a turn it in report after you are done. Also i have sent some powerpoints and reading to help with the essay. The module is consumer behaviour University level.
You work as a marketing consultant in a multinational consultancy corporation. You have been
contracted to advise the company (provide a company of your own choice) about greenwashing. To
address the issue of greenwashing you need to prepare a maximum of 2,000-word essay and
address the following: 
 Provide an example of the Company and justification for your choice. 
 Assess whether the company is doing greenwashing, genuinely sustainable marketing, or a
bit of both. 
 Discuss their relationship with the consumers and potential consumers to convince them
that their approach is not a greenwashing but a genuine attempt to provide a sustainable
 Do the customers perceive their intent to be more environmentally and socially friendly, is it
perceived as genuine intent or simply as greenwashing or is its intention somewhere
between the lines? 
 Do their customers care? 
 What would be your recommendation for this particular company of your choice and how to
deal with potential accusations of greenwashing?
  Summary and Conclusion of your main argument 
GIESLER, M. VERESIU, E. (2014) Creating the Responsible Consumer: Moralistic Governance Regimes
and Consumer Subjectivity, JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, Vol. 41, 840-859
Bradshaw, A. (2021). Black Friday: retailers are forcing our heads into the sand to avoid facing
climate realities Published: November 26, 2021, the Conversation,

Soas Marking Criteria:

80+ (First Class)
A mark of 80+ will fulfil the following criteria:
• shows clear evidence of wide and relevant reading and an engagement with the conceptual
• develops a sophisticated and intelligent argument
• shows a rigorous use and a confident understanding of relevant source materials
• achieves an appropriate balance between factual detail and key theoretical issues
• provides evidence of original thinking

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