Ethics and Moral Theory. Reflection topic from the book A Concise Introduction to Ethics Russ Shafer-Landau

Main Task- The topic I chose is Kantian Ethics . please follow the rules 

 Select any one specific topic or concept from the course that, more than any others, changed your way of thinking
about ethics, and explain how it changed your way of thinking. If you found more than one topic or concept
equally influential, then talk about them together.
 If you have found that none of the topics or concepts have changed your way of thinking about ethics, then
present your own perspective on ethics, and discuss how your way of thinking has not been addressed in the
My recommendation: Be genuine with this assignment, even if your position in relation to the course is a critical
one. Genuine, thoughtful, well-reasoned positioned will receive top marks.
Do not consult material beyond the course readings for this writing assignment (doing so will result in a serious
mark deduction)
. Clearly identify any material from the course readings or slides that you have reproduced
verbatim or that you have closely paraphrased, through the use of quotation marks in the case of direct quotes,
and in any event always followed by a parenthetical citation (textbook, p. x, or powerpoint).
Also, content written in a clinical, algorithmic, AI-sounding style will receive no more than 6.25/12.5. This
restriction reflects a stylistic requirement that your writing clearly demonstrates that it is the product of a
personal reflection and self-examination. Personal pronouns are, of course, permitted. This stylistic restriction is
intended to ensure that your writing, in the context of this assignment, amounts to a mode of self-reflective
thinking (the guiding assumption here being that such thinking is a worthwhile activity for human beings).

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