Evidence based solutions for Maternal Mortality in the U.S. and the impact on the nursing profession.

Evidence based solutions for Maternal Mortality in the U.S. and the impact on the nursing profession.

Students will write and submit a formal paper on the approved topic. Nurses gather and assess data/evidence to identify and define problems and propose solutions based on research. Think about the various area of nursing that are impacted by the problem as well as the implications for the role they play in the proposed solution. Provide a succinct background of the problem. Discuss how factors (legal, spiritual, ethical, cultural, financial) and areas (practice, administration, education, research) impact nursing and why this problem is important. Synthesize the solutions you discovered in your library research and discuss the actions nursing must take to bring about change.

The paper will be graded based on compliance with APA format and ability to present material through the written word. Students are directed to review the Scholarly APA Paper rubric for specific grading criteria.

General Content Guidelines:

  • Introduce the problem (define and frame the scope) and discuss the dilemma it presents for nursing. State the thesis. The thesis statement should be a single sentence that conveys the main argument specific to what will be covered in the paper. The statement should answer the questions “how” and “why” and should be based on patterns of evidence presented in your paper.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking in describing how culture, socioeconomic status, spirituality, law, ethics relate to the topic/issue and professional nursing practice.
  • Discuss the use of research findings reflected in current evidence-based nursing practice.
  • Explore professional nursing roles (nurse administrators, nurse educators, nurse researchers, and direct patient care) and responsibilities (to address the problem).
  • Summarize the concepts and recommendations presented in the paper. Present conclusions supported by data, evidence, and information discussed throughout the paper. Do not add new information.

Strive to be clear and concise (4-6 pages of content not including title page and references). Refer to Chapters 4 -6 in the APA Manual to review effective writing style and grammar rules. Additional writing resources are located under Modules>Course Resources.

Many students find it helpful to meet with a subject librarian for an in-depth consultation about library research. The librarian for nursing is embedded within this course and can be contacted via course email. A chat function is also available through Ask the Librarian

Please note – settings within Canvas enable Turnitin.com to scan your final paper submitted under the assignment tab. Papers with a similarity score greater than 25% will not be accepted.





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