“Examining the Evolution of AI-Powered Search Engines in Information Technology: A Comprehensive Analysis of Algorithms, Security Implications, and Future Trends.”

“Examining the Evolution of AI-Powered Search Engines in Information Technology: A Comprehensive Analysis of Algorithms, Security Implications, and Future Trends.”


  1. The introduction component of a research paper introduces the reader to your research issue. The purpose of the introduction is to provide a clear and concise overview of your research study including: the research issue/problem in your topic, a rationale for examining this research issue, and the purpose of your study. The literature review should conclude with a restatement of your purpose and your research question(s). This document should be at least four pages of text. In addition, you will include a title page and reference page(s). You must adhere to current edition of APA guidelines. The title page and reference pages DO NOT count toward the page minimum. No abstract is required at this stage (but it will be in Phase III).

  2. This paper will be evaluated on the following components:

    • Basic Requirements: Existence of a front page that includes your name, affiliation, title/subtitle, and other information per APA; Existence of a reference page; Number of pages required is met; 5 peer-reviewed scholarly sources are cited.  General expectations of the paper (outside of other rubric categories) are met.  (10pts)
    • Statement of Purpose: A clear purpose is stated that is realistic, feasible, and challenging enough for the level of this course.  This includes preliminary research questions and specific aims for the study.  (15pts)
    • Literature Review: A thorough discussion justifying the statement of purpose and research question is cited throughout the paper.  Sources are relevant and maintain a balance of classic (old) and recent research appropriate for the study purpose.  (50pts)
    • Flow and Substance: Paper is written at an intellectual level appropriate for this course, balancing detail when needed, logically flowing, concisely summarizing literature, and crafts a well-supported argument for the paper’s purpose. The paper also relays substantive thoughts and positions by drawing inferences and developing a position in the direction of the purpose.  (20pts)
    • APA Style and Grammar: Paper meets APA style requirements in terms of general formatting, section headers, citations, references, font, text size, title page, etc. This is in accordance with the 7th edition of the APA manual. The paper should also be written with little to no grammatical errors. (15pts)

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