Please write a 3-5 page paper based on one of the following prompts. Your essay should include
a title page with your name, the date, and the title of your paper. It should be double-spaced with
one-inch margins all around. Please use 12-point “Times New Roman” black font with white
paper/background. Properly and consistently cite your evidence with footnotes or endnotes.
Refer to “Writing for History” for stylistic and format advice. Though your analysis should focus
primarily on Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, you must also use evidence from at least two
other primary sources assigned for weeks one through three (9/30-10/11). You may also use the
assigned readings for this period from Worlds Together Worlds Apart to help support your thesis.
Do not use any other secondary or outside sources other than the assigned textbooks, articles,
discussions, and lectures. Upload to Canvas by the due date.
The most important thing for you to do in your paper is to present an argument in answer to one
of the topics given below. It should be focused and fairly narrow. Your paper must also be
focused on the primary sources that you have read for this course. This means that you should
read your book and documents carefully, think about them, and come up with your own opinion
about your chosen topic. Then, in an organized and well-written paper, you should present your
argument clearly in a thesis statement and support it with specific examples and quotations from
the texts. You should also use evidence from the lectures, textbook, and/or discussions to help
explain the historical context in which the primary documents were written. Be sure to provide
citations for all quotations, paraphrases, and specific information you obtained from any source.
mutually exclusive, but in fact often reinforced one another as colonists subdued and pacified
indigenous populations. Explain how the motives of colonizers were reflected in their methods of
colonization and the effects of these methods of control had on the populations on which they
were imposed.