- full four – five, typed, double-spaced pages. (Points loss will result for less.) 4-5 Pages of essay and the 5th or 6th page will be Works Cited.
- MLA formatting.
- At least three reputable outside sources, at least one from the MSJC databases. (No blogs, Wikipedia, .com) *Documentaries and podcasts are also acceptable
- Works cited page.
- Introductory paragraph with a hook (quote or interesting fact, etc).
- Focused development per each body paragraph of thesis (causal argument).
- Appropriate transitions within and between paragraphs; aim for more than a single word.
- Concluding paragraph that emphasizes the importance of knowing the facts presented. (Avoid simply repeating the thesis and key points.) Make it thought-provoking!
- Avoidance of first and second person.
- Effective sentencing and vocabulary.
I.) (Introduction and thesis statement) The startlingly high rate of concussions with athletes in high school football has generated a lot of discussion and worry in recent years. The American Medical Society estimates that sports and recreation cause 3.8 million concussions in the US each year, with up to 50% of these incidents going unreported. This figure emphasizes how urgent it is to investigate the causes of these injuries as well as the long-term consequences they have on young athletes. Aggressive play styles, insufficient safety precautions, and ignorance of concussion symptoms are the primary causes for concussions in high school football. In addition to posing short-term health hazards, these elements cause long-term cognitive decline and psychological difficulties for impacted athletes.
II.) (Topic Sentence 1) The violent nature of high school football is a major contributing factor to the high rate of concussions in the sport. Players are more likely to sustain head injuries because they frequently participate in forceful tackles and collisions.
A.) (Details/Evidence) “For one, high school players are often smaller and less physically developed than college or professional players, making them more vulnerable to injury.” — (fulshearathletics.com)
B.) (Details/Evidence) “Additionally, high school football players are more likely to engage in risky behavior on the field, such as leading with their heads or not using proper tackling techniques.” — (fulsheathletics.com)
III.) (Topic Sentence 2) The poor execution of safety precautions in many high school curriculum is another contributing factor. Coaches at many schools are not adequately trained in identifying the signs of concussions or in putting safe play practices into practice.
A.) (Details/Evidence) “These concussion educational programs have been largely ineffective regarding injury reporting and participant safety. Researchers must study the effectiveness of the current programs through a lens of the five principles of knowledge transfer to make recognizable progress within this public health priority.” — (gexinonline.com)
B.) (Details/ Evidence) “But even with top-of-the-line equipment, players should always tackle with their heads up and never use their helmet as a battering ram into other players. Additionally, many coaches are now encouraging rugby-style tackling, which leads with the shoulder and not the head, and emphasizes wrapping up on a tackle.” – (kerrsports.com)
III.) (Topic Sentence 3) The ramifications of these concussions extend far beyond immediate physical harm; they can lead to severe long-term effects such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), depression, and anxiety disorders among former players.
A.) (Details/Evidence) “There is increasing evidence that the adolescents, defined by the World Health Organization as between the ages of 10 and 19 years, may have poorer outcomes after concussions compared to older athletes (6–8).” — (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
B.) (Details/ Evidence) “Repetitive concussions have been implicated as a contributing factor to neurodegenerative conditions including chronic traumatic encephalopathy (67, 68), post-traumatic stress disorder (69), substance abuse (70), anxiety, and depression (69, 71)” –(ncbi.nlm.gov)
Sources: (you can use more if needed)Alexander, Leroy. “How Common Are Concussions in High School Football?” Fulshear Athletics, 3 Mar. 2023, fulshearathletics.com/how-common-are-concussions-in-high-school-football/.
Harmon , Kimberly G, and Jonathan A Drezner. “American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Position Statement: Concussion in Sport.” Pubmed, U.S. National Library of Medicine, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23243113/. Accessed 5 Nov. 2024.
Master, Christina L. “Sport-Related Concussions: Understanding Risks, Symptoms, & Recovery.” HealthyChildren.Org, 12 Nov. 2018, www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/injuries-emergencies/sports-injuries/Pages/Sports-Related-Concussion-Understanding-the-Risks-Signs-Symptoms.aspx?_gl=1%2A505yca%2A_ga%2AMTEwNjYyMjcwOS4xNzMwODQ2ODAz%2A_ga_FD9D3XZVQQ%2AMTczMDg0NjgwMy4xLjEuMTczMDg0NjgzOS4wLjAuMA..
Watson, Brock. “Player Safety First: How High School and College Football Teams Are Prioritizing Injury Prevention.” Kerr Sports, Brock Watson www.kerrsports.com/safety-first-high-school-college-football-teams-prioritizing-injury-prevention/.