Read the following article I published with Paul Elsam a British Author and Actor. He conducted a dramaturgical workshop with cast members in late 2013 prior to my directing Private Fears in Public Places.
After reading the article reflect on two differences between Brit and US drama that you were unaware of, or want to explore in more depth.
Please note that this research came directly from contact with your peer group while working on a Private Fears in Public Places at UNCW in which we strove to achieve some degree of authenticity in production. In 2014 I went to York UK where I researched the Ayckbourn Archive at the University and attended over 40 production all across the UK, including many in London.
Using this article as a touchstone and your past experience reflect upon what you would like to learn and gain by understanding of contemporary UK and Irish plays, playwrights, and theatre.
Write between 300-400 words, dividing your transitions with paragraphs. See Writing Rubric in the writing section.