- Statement of the research problem (What healthcare problem/issue are you addressing in your research proposal?)
- Review studies that have addressed the problem (This is NOT a literature review…instead, you are using existing studies to justify the importance of YOUR study and creating distinctions between past studies and your proposed study – you want to synthesize the literature versus reporting on individual studies)
- Deficiencies in past literature and how your planned study will remedy r address these deficiencies (deficiencies can often be found in the “suggestions for future research” or “limitations” section of journal articles)
- Audiences who will potentially find the study of interest
- Write your purpose statement – qualitative or quantitative – sets objectives, intent, or the major idea of a proposal or study – builds on the need (the problem).
- A reference page with 8 peer reviewed scholarly articles closely related to your research problem (these will be from your discussion board post this week and all of them do not need to be used/cited in your introduction).
- These must be recent (preferably in past 5 years, and not over 10 years old)
- These must be peer-reviewed journal articles of primary research
- Sources outside of peer-reviewed journals (government websites, etc.) are encouraged but DO NOT count toward your five sources.