This assignment is like an investigation. Take a close look at your local treatment options.
Imagine you are looking for a culturally specific treatment center for yourself, a loved one or a
client. Your search area must be within 30-mile radius of your home. Find as many treatment
centers that offer or claim to offer culturally specific care for addictions treatment. Save the
names, addresses and phone numbers of the organizations that you do find, that serve
marginalized populations for a resource list you will turn in with your reflection on the
A word about words. CULTURE: Let’s talk about how we can define culture in the context of
this paper. As social workers we see culture from a broad lens where we look at the attitudes
and behavior of a particular social group, groups that organize around central beliefs, socially
constructed ideas, racial identifications, gender identities, etc.
The readings, video, and other content of this course thus far explore health disparities, social
justice, and the importance of culturally specific treatment services. Keeping this content in
mind, please answer the following questions in a three-to-five-page paper. You must cite at
least two in class resources.
1. Based on the demographics of your area, which cultures and/or minority groups
need more representation in your area’s treatment system?
2. What types of thoughts, feelings, and experiences did you have when you explored
the treatment services in your area?
3. What do you imagine people with “addictions” that are seeking culturally
specific treatment are feeling when they explore treatment options?
4. Discuss 2 articles, readings, movies, or podcasts that connect to this experience.
5. Provide a list of resources you found that are culturally specific and give a brief 2-3
sentence for each resource to explain any details you may have found. For example, is
it a residential facility, outpatient, do they offer mental health services in addition to
substance abuse services, or do they take Medicaid or Medicare?
Imagine you are looking for a culturally specific treatment center for yourself, a loved one or a
client. Your search area must be within 30-mile radius of your home. Find as many treatment
centers that offer or claim to offer culturally specific care for addictions treatment. Save the
names, addresses and phone numbers of the organizations that you do find, that serve
marginalized populations for a resource list you will turn in with your reflection on the
A word about words. CULTURE: Let’s talk about how we can define culture in the context of
this paper. As social workers we see culture from a broad lens where we look at the attitudes
and behavior of a particular social group, groups that organize around central beliefs, socially
constructed ideas, racial identifications, gender identities, etc.
The readings, video, and other content of this course thus far explore health disparities, social
justice, and the importance of culturally specific treatment services. Keeping this content in
mind, please answer the following questions in a three-to-five-page paper. You must cite at
least two in class resources.
1. Based on the demographics of your area, which cultures and/or minority groups
need more representation in your area’s treatment system?
2. What types of thoughts, feelings, and experiences did you have when you explored
the treatment services in your area?
3. What do you imagine people with “addictions” that are seeking culturally
specific treatment are feeling when they explore treatment options?
4. Discuss 2 articles, readings, movies, or podcasts that connect to this experience.
5. Provide a list of resources you found that are culturally specific and give a brief 2-3
sentence for each resource to explain any details you may have found. For example, is
it a residential facility, outpatient, do they offer mental health services in addition to
substance abuse services, or do they take Medicaid or Medicare?
This paper should be 3-5 pages in length, not including the resource page or title page, APA
format, be sure to include a reference section.
format, be sure to include a reference section.
PLease include a citation page, not including the three pages.