Exploring the connection between pregnancy, birth experience, and maternal child bonding

Please submit your source to me by the due date so I can check it before you work hard on the wrong thing!

See directions in the syllabus. Please add a link to your source, or copy & paste the source into a document to attach. The primary source must include methods, results, and discussion sections in the body of the article you find from ProQuest. It should be a topic in psychology from a peer reviewed source.

Check out the video in the research module to help you.

Please create a title page.

Please write an abstract at the top of a page by itself. The following paper will contain a summary about an article on…. ( this and everything else should be double spaced.}

Please write a summary of the article in your own words. Write about one page- a paragraph about what the study was trying to find, one about the method, and one about the results. Please do not plagiarize- use your own words- no quotes. Write as though you are explaining the article to a friend.

Only cite your article- don’t cite any of their sources. You can actually just skip over their background literature review after the abstract and go to the purpose, a paragraph or so above the Method section.

Everything including the abstract and Reference is double spaced in APA format.

Please write a reference page(will have only one source- the article you found!) in APA format!

To get to ProQuest:

1. Log into the myracc portal
2. Click ProQuest Central, under library resources.
3. Click on Advanced Search
4. Type in a term related to the subject you want to use.
5.Type method, results, and discussion in each of the next three search lines ( you might need to add a row)
6. Type psychology into the next row and across from that, use the pulldown to select publication title.
7. Click the boxes for full text and peer reviewed.
8. Then titles should be listed. Start to click on those to choose two that are related to each other’s subject matter so that you can do your paper.
Look through the articles until you find one that has method, results, and discussion sections in they body of the article. Find one that interests you and that you can understand, at least somewhat. Copy the URL to send to me, along with your title page, summary, and reference so I can approve it before you start writing.

APA format:


last name, comma, first initial, period (must write ALL authors) (year of article in parentheses). period. Article Title. period. Journal Title. period. volume. period(issue), comma. page numbers. period. (just the numbers for these-don’t write volume, issue, page) DOI number:(digital object identifier)


Bean-Ritter, C., Brant, D., Torchia-Thompson, L. (2009). Effects of anxiety on student’s procrastination of their research papers. Journal of Fake Psychology Example. 7(2),73-92. http://doi.org.10.245341137.29.3

Research Summary
Research Review
Choose a primary source article from peer reviewed journals via ProQuest. It must be primary source article from a peer reviewed psychology journal found in ProQuest. The article must have methods, results, and discussion sections as subheadings in them, which is an identifying characteristic of a primary source. Read and summarize the article in 1-2 pages. Create a title page and reference page. APA style is required. Please send a link to the article several blank lines after the reference. All of this should be completed in one document and attached to the Canvas assignment. Please put the subject of your research in your submission heading. See directions and rubric at the end of the syllabus.
If you are concerned that you aren’t doing this correctly, you may send me as many drafts as you want via the assignment as long as they are at least a week before it is due. This is so I don’t get overwhelmed with so many at once to allow you to meet your deadline. Submit the final copy as an attachment here
Topic must relate to psychology and come from a psychology journal. You MUST completely re-word all ideas from the article. Do not use a sentence and just change several words. Do not use information, even for introductions and conclusions, from other sources. Do not copy and paste anything unless you quote and cite it correctly in APA format.
Grading- 100 points total
Zero points awarded if:
A. anything is copied from either the article, the internet, or another paper
B. source is not primary research(including method, results, and discussion sections in body of the article)
C. article is not from psychology journal
See attached information
A journal is professional, formal publication that contains different research studies on different topics, from different researchers. The articles in each journal reflect the perspective of the journal. There are journals for social psychology, abnormal psychology, psychiatry, child development, personality, etc.
Suggestions for writing good psychology research.
A. In a formal paper, there is no first person. No “I” “you” “we” etc.
B. In a formal paper, there is no opinion. You are simply stating what is there.
C. Don’t write things you don’t understand. Be clear and simple.
D. Completely re-word ideas and cite or quote exactly and cite. Copying or changing just word or two is plagiarism, which is not only cheating and unethical, it is illegal and can get you removed from RACC or any other college.
Simple things to improve research writing.
1. Do not use the study titles, use the author’s last name and year in parentheses to start sentences, which also serves as a citation.
Example: Romney (2012) state that research in politics has done little to improve the truthiness involved in campaign commercials.
Do not say: The authors state….. or (title of the study) states…..
2. Use sources that are from the same journal types as the class for which you are writing the paper. Social psych journals for social psychology; developmental journals for development; abnormal psychology journals for abnormal psych, etc. Your teacher may have a list of journals that are acceptable.
3. Research in the social sciences never proves anything, so don’t use that word. You can say that research supports the hypothesis, or suggests….(whatever it suggests), but never proves in social sciences.
4. Your textbook is not a reference, but is often a good example of how references should be used and cited.
5. Use PurdueOwl to check correct citation information. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Links to an external site.

Below is an idea of what your general psychology paper should look like:


Create a Title Here Based on Your Topic

Isabelle Student

Psychology, Reading Area Community College

Psy 130: General Psychology

Ms. Carol Bean-Ritter

June 13, 2023



In the following paper, there will be some directions written as an example of what a research paper will like. What is written here would be the abstract of the paper, which is a brief summary of what the reader is going to read next (an abstract is not an introduction). It is likely there was one of these in the journal article chosen to summarize in the research paper. Double space everything in APA format and align the writing left.

How to Write Research after Reading the Summary

Brant, (20200 stated that students should start their research papers with a title page, which is separate from the abstract. Next, there is an abstract, which tells the reader what they are about to read. The third page is the summary of the journal article. It should start with a 3-4 sentence paragraph about the purpose of the research. The students should never write the study title in their paper, but use the author’s last names and year, like in the examples of this paper.

Torchia-Thompson, (2013) states that students should write a paragraph about how many people were in the study and how the research was conducted. Then students should write what the research found. Students should write everything in their own words, but still cite, using author’s last names (year), just like at the beginning of these paragraphs. If students decide to use any of the words, even just two or three, then they must quote and cite them properly. “Students should check this with PurdueOwl.edu, the writing center, or their professor to make sure they are not accidentally plagiarizing, which results in a zero.”(Torchia-Thompson, L., and Bean-Ritter, C., 2013, 478)

Break the work into paragraphs by idea and cite at least once in each paragraph. Don’t use first person in a formal paper. Make sure to spell check and read it out loud to check grammar and make sure what you have written makes sense. On the last page, add the reference, which is the only article used for the paper. It must be in APA format, so make sure to look up how to do that correctly.



Reyher, S., Brant, D., Torchia-Thompson, L., and Bean-Ritter, C. (2013) How to write a good research paper. Journal of Whatever the Subject of the Course Relates. 12(3). 212-243. http://doi.org/10.2093849384.

You may put the URLs to your articles here, although normally the rest of the page would be blank.
Research Assessment Rubric for General Psychology- 100 points total
Zero points awarded for the entire paper if the article are not primary sources, or from the required journals in Proquest.
Zero Points will be awarded if there is plagiarism. Please make sure to submit a draft to avoid this.

Full Points
Half Points
No Points
Source check
Psychology journal, method, results, and discussion sections
Not an option- requirement for paper
Non psychology journal; lack of method, results, and discussion section

Whole paper will count as zero points if source does not meet requirements!!

Title Page

All information in correct order
Contains some but not all information
No title page

Includes a concise summary of the research.
States focus of the paper, but missing information.
Fails to state what is included in paper.

Research question/problem- Why?
States the problem and focus of the study
Attempts to state problem, but missing the point.
Fails to state the focus of the research.

Method- who, when, when, where, and how?

Logically explains who, when, where and how from the study
Explains parts, but is missing information
Does not explain the study methodology

Results- What did they find?
Clearly explains data and results
Problems with data explanation.
Does not explain data.

Discussion- Why/how does it matter? How can it be used?

Clearly explains the discussion section.
Problems with explanation of the article results.
Does not explain the article’s interpretation.

Grammar and mechanics

Has no more that 2 errors in grammar or spelling
Has between 2-15 errors in spelling or grammar
Has more than 15 errors in spelling or grammar

Use of at least one in text citation in APA format
In-text source cited correctly in APA format
In-text source cited with errors
No in-text citation

Reference Page- source in APA format

Reference follows all APA guidelines
Reference follows some APA guidelines with less than 5 errors
Reference has more than 5 errors or isn’t included.

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