Literature review
Chose a topic related to the infleunce marketing has on consmuer attitudes, perceptions, and purchasing decisions. The topic chosen should be discussed in at least three of the articles that i’ve linked, which i would like to you refernence to but not quote. I would like you disucss why you’ve chosen this topic related to the influence marketing has on consumer attitudes, percpetions, and purchasing decisions and why it’s significant and important to investigate and its potential outcomes that we can make.
This study will use a qualatative research design, utlizing in-depth interviews and focus group discussions to gather rich, detailed insights from participants. I want the interview to be semi-structured because although i want the interview to have some structure and set questions, i want the interviews to flow smoothly as it allows the interviewer to gather the most information about the samples. Additionally, i want you to mention where you conducted the interviews that will faciliate the interview and therefore the topic you have chosen. As mentioned, i want you include a focus group and mention how this data collection technique added to your collection of data and why you deem it to be sigificant. Regarding sampling, i want you to have purposive sampling that makes it so you only interview people who are active consumers of products or services promoted by infuencers on social media platforms. Make sure you include the name of your sampling technqiue andwhy you thought it was the most appropriate technique.
Thematic analysis will be employed to analyze the qualatative data collected from the interviews and focus groups. I want you mention the trends and patterns that came from the interviews that are obviously connected with your chosen topic. I don’t want you to have direct quotes as we’re looking for common trends in the interviews that we can make valid evaluations and conclusions from.
From the data you have collected and analysed, i want you to draw appopriate evaluations and conclusions from it. Also, i want you to link these evaluations and conclusions back to your topic and anything that you had mentioned in your litertature review. Finally, i want you to dicuss the implications of these conclusions and evaluations to the real world and how they might influence marketing for improved consumerism, attitudes, and percpetions or/and to avoid marketing techniques for reduced consumerism, attitudes, and pecpetions.