Excerpt: The study aims to examine the representation
of leadership styles of women in Naomi’s Anderson’s The Power, investigating
how the sci-fi contradicts conventional expectations of the female gender and
its impact on leadership styles.
Gender plays a vital role in adopted leadership styles
and decisions. Female leaders have been found to adopt more democratic and
transformational leadership approaches (Larsson et al. 27). Female leaders are
more effective decision-makers and significantly impact subordinates more than
male ones in construction and real estate companies in Turkey, a study suggests
(Dwiri and Okatan 1432). Naomi Anderson’s The Power presents a fictional world where
women are in control of power dynamics. There are ample studies on the effectiveness
of leadership styles of women. There is also representation of different
leadership styles in the science-fiction, and how the usage of each style
affects the organisational outcomes. However, there is no analysis presenting how
females in Anderson’s work undermine the conventional gender norms in subverting
leadership behaviours associated with them. This proposed project thus aims to
reveal how The Power contradicts conventional expectations of the female
gender and its impact on leadership styles.
Based on the informationa above, I seek literature review. Please conclude with what research gap one might fill based on the literature
NOTE: If you feel like there is something better I could work on, feel free to make changes in exceprt