are the metabolic optimization involved for enhancing the protein yield in A.platensis ?
Describe the molecular pathway that influences the protein yield in A.platensis
(spirulina) extraction along with a diagram please draw it by yourself using biorender/
suitable software and give the figure description
Write about the various and efficient extraction
methods used for extracting the Arthrospira platensis protein extract. Make
a table or flowchart describing the extraction methods its principle, advantage
and limitations – very important
At the
end say why I chose extraction
methods (mechanical method – high shear homogenization and bead milling, chemical
method – alkali treatment and enzymatic treatment)
the general decolorization and deodorization techniques used in the industry for
removing the color and odor from the A.Platensis protein extract and how does using oxidation process kills all the
microbes and mention if may affect the nutritional profile and functional properties
of the protein
why it is important to evaluate the functional characteristics and how properties
like solubility, emulsion, foaming, oil and water holding capacities have influence
on the protein extract as a food source
Conclusion and Future outlook
can the extraction processes could have been effficient to enhance the protein yield
mainly how the bead milling was a efficient mechanical disruption method and
how combining mechanical method and enzymatic would be even more effient in
about how no purification was done in the experiment and say it is signicant to
purify the protein
say how right now the protein is a concentrate in a liquid phase so in the
future it should be dried to a powder form and used for better application.
write about the limitation of oxidation process used for decolorizing and deodorizing
the protein extract what could be done more to improvise it or also if there are any other technology (
other than ativated charcoal, enzymes ) used to decolorize and deodorize the
protein extract whihch should also be used to scale up in the industrial level.
also say its impact on the nutitional chart and functional properties and could
be done to avoid that.
about the nutrional profile how protein is 71% and now only calcium is higher
but how other amino acids and minerals could be improved more and how to do so
in future. Also state currentlycarb fatty acid sugar everything is low and ash
is higher say why and what are important minerals and amino acids that needs to
be present and if so how could it be improved.
the functional properties can be improved ? currently the solubility is low but
soluble, foaming capacity is high where as the foaming stability is low,
emulsion activity is poor and stabilty is okay, oil holding and water holding
capacity is also low so discuss how it
can be improved in future what would influence these properties and with this
result what kind of food applications can it be suitable for ?
what more functional properties should be assessed and why and how will it
create an impact for the protein study in food industry?
– write about the application of protein extract as plant based meats and how
improving these extraction efficacy, purity , functional propertities will have
an effect on the applications and say why will people buy and consume it. List its
applications in food industry.