PROSPECTUS (3-4 pages, double spaced plus timeline and references)
The purpose of the prospectus is to lay out what you plan to do in your project. The prospectus should describe and focus on the introduction, purpose and research question, method(s) and framework(s) of your project. It is tempting to focus on the introduction and purpose, but your main goal should be to focus on the method(s) and framework(s) so you can get feedback on whether your approach is appropriate, feasible, and trustworthy.
Be sure all sources are appropriately cited and referenced by original writers.
- Introduction: This section provides all the background information that is needed to best “set up” your research question and your overall project. This section includes descriptive epidemiology (data!) to introduce and define the overarching issue of focus and provides compelling evidence of the importance of the topic, including its relevance to public health, health equity, and social justice.
- Purpose & Research Question(s): This paragraph describes the purpose (aims) of your project and the research question(s) that drive the project. Why is this project important? What question(s) do you seek to answer through this project? Who is the audience you hope will benefit from what you find?
- Method(s) & Framework(s): This will be the most significant section of this assignment. Your method(s) and framework(s) describe HOW you will systematically answer your research question(s) by selecting and analyzing evidence. The method(s) is a like a recipe and should be in sufficient detail for someone to follow along. The framework(s) is how you contextualize and understand your topic and should be appropriate for your research question(s) and method(s). Presenting this information as part of your written project increases the trustworthiness of your project for others. You might find it useful to think of the five W’s (what/when/where/who/why) for how you will do this. Be sure to include:
- What is your overarching method or approach (e.g., literature review ONLY)?
- What kind of information are you looking for (as it relates to your research question)?
- Where are you looking for information? What kinds of sources will you be searching? (e.g., Peer-reviewed journals only.)
- How are you looking for information? Which databases, search terms, and time periods will you use? Any other inclusion and exclusion criteria?
- Why are you using the above parameters in your search? How do these methods help you answer the research question?
- What framework(s) will you use to frame this project and/or analyze this issue?
- What are the key concepts of the framework(s)?
- How will you use the framework for your project and analysis?
- Why is this framework(s) useful and appropriate for this project?
- APA References: Provide in-text citations within the Prospectus and a References section at the end – all using APA format. This is not included in the page count.