For this assignment, please assume that you are a manager in the company of your choosing. You need your staff to help you gather the information that you need to create the budget that will be presented to executives for approval.

This week I want you to draft a memo to your employees. The reading this week discussed planning and researching as well as writing reports and proposals. We are going to apply this knowledge to budget preparation. Please read chapter 1 and 2 in Budgeting Basics and Beyond. These 2 chapters will give you a great foundation as to what makes a good budget. For this assignment, please assume that you are a manager in the company of your choosing. You need your staff to help you gather the information that you need to create the budget that will be presented to executives for approval. This link will assist you in formatting your memo.

I do not expect you to submit an actual budget to me, this is an exercise in providing good instruction to your employees. The better your instructions, the more accurate their response. Please keep in mind that in providing good instruction, you will also need to provide some background information as to what you will be using this information for and why. Provide APA formatted citations for any information that you use from any sources.

Please submit your response in a Word document attached to this assignment.

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