For this paper, you will research these three topics and present them to me as if you were educating me. In your writing, be sure to address, at a minimum, the following questions:

of the first steps to understanding data privacy is figuring out how it can
affect people, the steps we can take to protect it, and how those steps have been
implemented. This can be done by researching and evaluating privacy harms (ways
in which a person’s privacy can be violated), privacy principles (or the
aspects of a system that make it “more private”), and privacy laws. For this
paper, you will research these three topics and present them to me as if you
were educating me. In your writing, be sure to address, at a minimum, the
following questions:

·       What
are privacy harms? Make sure that you both define the concept and provide a set
of privacy harms with definitions.

·       What
privacy principles exist to minimize the risk of these harms?

·       What
state, national, and international laws, if any, exist that protect citizens of
those jurisdictions from those privacy harms? How do they interact with or
incorporate the principles you identified if they do?

paper should have an introduction that grabs the readers’ attention and
introduces the topic, a section each outlining the privacy harms, principles,
and laws examined in your research, and a conclusion section summarizing your specific
findings. Please consult the grading rubric below to understand how the points
are broken down for this deliverable.

this assignment (like other papers for this course) requires that you do
significant research and analyze the facts. Whenever you make a claim or state
an opinion, back that statement up with analysis and well-founded sources. Cite
your sources. Please limit your work to 7-9 pages (excluding references).

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