Word count: 3,000 words excluding references.
As per University’s 10% rule, you can go 10% above or below the word count, meaning the final work can be between 2,700-3,300 words.
Formatting: Times New Roman or Arial, 12pt, 1.5 spacing, Word doc (NOT a pdf).
Use in-text references in Westminster Harvard style. List of sources at the end. Make sure that your essay is written in appropriate academic language, that you back up every idea or fact with a Harvard-style reference. Check that there is a progression of ideas, and a clear structure – from introduction to main body to conclusion.
Important! Make sure to clearly indicate the sources of your knowledge – ideas, theories, facts, statistics, data – use Harvard referencing. Every point that is not yours has to be referenced.
Analysis of theory: discussion of a range of academic concepts relevant to the topic; comparison; acknowledgment of their strengths and limitations (min. 5 academic sources)
Discussion: linking theories with your topic.
Reflection on the gaps in knowledge; focussed and nuanced argument.
Evidence: use of facts and examples to support the argument
Originality: extent to which argument displays originality
Presentation: clear writing, accurate spelling and grammar, correct referencing