In December 2023, Oslo city’s new electric bus fleet, acquired in the spring, was grounded due to cold weather (2023).
A citizens group is requesting that your team provide insights into the electric bus investment made by the city of Oslo. More specifically, you are asked to discuss:
a full cost analysis of Oslo’s green public bus transport policy for the forthcoming period of:
a. 5 years, and
b. 30 years;
This is a part of the case study. should be around 800 words. It is critical to make an analysis of the costs, starting from the initial (sunk) costs, then a full cost analysis of the forthcoming costs.
Should be quite detailed and include all the main costs (such as charging stations, maintenance, training, upgrade, planning fees, legal costs, and more). Should include a breakdown of all the cost with calculations of the estimates. The estimates can be based on figure of comparable costs incurred in other countries or firms. The analysis should also show the saved costs (in comparison to the gasoline or diesel costs of busses in the past). Please add whatever you feel necessary.