Topic Isuue I have picked is Racial Inequality
Details: If you’ve been paying attention lately, there’s a lot of talk about education around issues of inequality. PoC have called upon White people to take the time to learn about their own privilege and the experience of ethnic minorities. This same call for self-education is important for other forms of oppression, be it sexism, heterosexism, ableism, anti-fat attitudes and/or body shaming, ageism, etc. (or combinations thereof). Such justice-related education is incredibly important and despite some people’s hesitance to bring up injustice issues with young children, research shows that this helps them recognize social inequality (Farago et al., 2019).
I’d like for you to create either a children’s book that addresses a social justice or inequality-related issue in a way that makes it accessible for children aged 4-9. You can try and explain transphobia, benevolent sexism, the Black Lives Matters movement, or a different topic, it’s up to you.
Books geared toward 4- to 7-year-olds include text and pictures and should be 1500-3000 words. Don’t underestimate the importance of illustrations. At the same time, don’t freak out if you don’t think of yourself as particularly artistic. You can cut pictures out of magazines, etc., and glue them to pages, or you can draw images yourself. I am more interested in connecting the text with the images than with how amazing your images themselves are.