he Role of Early Intervention for Adolescent Mental Health and Polydrug Use: Cascading Mediation Through Childhood Growth in the General Psychopathology (p) Factor

do not use outside resources only the one i provide here. article review goes here. Be mindful of correct indentations, correct 12 pt. TimesNew Roman font. Correct 2.0 spacing, correct grammar and spelling. Include headings and pagenumbers with a cover page just as shown in this example- Note the placement, note the first pageheading is different than following pages, note what should be capitalized and what should belowercased. Your paper should be no less than 2 body pages. The cover page and reference pagedo not count towards this 2-page minimum. See the last page for an example of a reference page.For your review, be sure to address each of the following areas within your paper:Read your approved article. Write a review of this article in your own words! This shouldinclude a summary, analysis/reflection/critiques, and comparisons.Summaries should answer questions such as: What is the topic of this article? What wasthe article about? What important themes were mentioned? If there is a study in your article, besure to include both the hypothesis and results.Analysis/reflections/critiques should answer questions such as: Why did you chose thisarticle/topic? What points interested you with this article? How well did the author present theinformation? What critiques do you have for this article?Comparisons may include outside scholarly sources. This is not required and will not beheld against you, but it would be a great addition to your work and only strengthen your paper.You must site your article and any additional sources you include. (See last page for areference page example). If you include direct quotes, do not plagiarize. One correct way toinclude in-text citations is shown in this example: “These words are directly from the article”(Bohlander, Orlich, & Varley, 2018).There is also a link provided to you in the syllabus for information about APA format. Irealize this is not a writing class, and everyone is at a different level in their education; some

TITLE OF PAPER 3have been exposed to professional writing formats, while others have not as of yet. So, just tryyour best and use this as a template for a clear and professional paper. The paper will be gradedon how well you addressed the areas mentioned above and on your formatting. (Since we do notmeet in person to go over any expectations, this document serves as an example, so you haveclear expectations.) You will be graded on how well you followed instruction, if you chose arelevant article, got it approved in a timely manner, addressed each of the points listed above,and followed the APA format shown to you in this document. Papers submitted after the deadlinewill not be accepted. You may reach out if you have any questions via blackboard messa

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