Write 2500-3000 words sub-section of the SLR discussion (tackling Objective D) based on the following points:
• Discuss each STEEP barrier of implementation of heat stress management technologies and synthesise specific findings from articles.
o B1. Social
Lack of awareness and compliance, Privacy concerns
o B2. Technological
Complexity of monitoring, poor reporting systems
o B3. Environmental
Non-acclimitaisation, challenging field conditions.
o B4. Economic
High costs, limited capacity.
o B5. Political
Lack of Safety Standards, limited policy on heat exposure.
• Discuss most common barriers. Reference and attach provided bar graph and pie chart.
• Correlate these barriers with the technological interventions to mitigate heat stress. Attach the correlation matrix and discuss the Sankey diagram provided.
• Critical analysis:
o How does the barriers impact the health and safety management and implementation of technologies. Reference Sankey.
o Reflect on the interrelatedness of the barriers to the technologies. What technology is the “most feasible” in managing health and safety against these barriers. Reference Sankey.
• Discuss each enabler for implementation of heat stress management technologies and synthesise specific findings from articles.
o E1. Regulatory and Guidelines
Compliance requirements, government incentives.
o E2. Organisational Support
Resource allocation, leadership commitment.
o E3. Training and Education
Technical training, awareness campaigns.
o E4. Stakeholder engagement and collaboration.
Collaborative decision making, community and union partnerships.
• Discuss most common enablers. Reference and attach provided bar graph and pie chart.
• Correlate these enablers with the technological interventions to mitigate heat stress. Attach the correlation matrix and discuss the Sankey diagram provided.
• Critical analysis:
o How does the enablers impact feasible implementation of technologies in managing health and safety. Reference Sankey.
o Reflect on the interrelatedness of the enablers to the technologies. Reference Sankey.
• Correlate these barriers with the enablers for implementation to mitigate heat stress. Attach the correlation matrix and discuss the Sankey diagram provided.
• Critical analysis:
o Reflect on the interrelatedness of the barriers to the enablers.
o Discuss how impact of enablers on implementation varies from impact of barriers on implementation and its impact on their feasibility.
o Reflect on health and safety management and how enablers can replace and avoid certain barriers. Reference Sankey.
o Discuss significance of managing and knowing how to counteract every barrier and close gaps in poor implementation of heat stress technologies.
o Reflect on how the Sankey offers vital insights that aids in effective health and safety management.
• Analyse in terms of health and safety management.
• All the discussion should strictly reference articles found in systematic literature review.
• Synthesise information from articles (as referenced in excel sheet) to write this section.
• Do not get into details about technological interventions themselves, as that was discussed in the previous sub-section. A lit. review was also written identifying the barriers and enablers.