Carefully read “The Islamization of Old Arab Virtues” by Toshihiko Izutsu (attached titled: articles in quranic studies page 1-15) and answer
the following question: How did the Quran’s message radically alter the ethical and
religious worldview of the pre-Islamic Arabs?
the following question: How did the Quran’s message radically alter the ethical and
religious worldview of the pre-Islamic Arabs?
1. Your paper should be six full pages in length, double spaced, and written in
Times New Roman font(size 12).
2. Diction is to be formal, and each piece is to be written in Canadian English.
Grammar, syntax, spelling, and style must be impeccable. You may write in the
first person.
Grammar, syntax, spelling, and style must be impeccable. You may write in the
first person.
3. At the top right of the first page of your paper, include the course code, your full
name, and the assignment’s due date. This should be in Times New Roman font
(size 12).
name, and the assignment’s due date. This should be in Times New Roman font
(size 12).
4. When citing materials, please follow the Chicago Manual of Style.
MAKE SURE TO USE THE STUDY QURAN (attached pdf) when it comes to any concrete citations. This is the most liable place to get information from. 5 citations is not necassary but up to 5 is good, as long as this book is being used the most. Dont use any information that contradicts this book but if you do make sure to show what this book also says about a certain topic.