n a well written essay, answer the question:
How do external pressures affect Esther’s mental health in chapters 1-4
Remember a good essay needs to have
Introduction – this contains your thesis / claim / idea; It should be provable/ disprovable, and should be a NEW IDEA, not a rephrasing of the question.
3 body paragraphs – each should contain an idea related to your claim, some evidence (2 pieces or more, paraphrase or quotes), and the reason why the evidence supports your idea (remember me saying to you “so what? And?”)
Conclusion – this is the answer to the question, and should not include any new ideas, evidence etc. although it might lead you to ask a related question.
Double spaced,
12 point
Arial / calibri / times new roman / garamond etc.
At top of each page (use header function, put your name, LA section and question)