How do the primary sources for this week reflect Renaissance humanists reverence for the classical world and how classical ideas or traditions can be applied to Renaissance society?

For this paper please ask three people (anyone is fine: a sibling, parent, friend, neighbor, etc.) the following question: “What do you think of when you hear the word Renaissance?” After you have interviewed three people, please write a 1-2 page double-spaced paper explaining your findings. Once the paper is done, please summarize your findings in a few powerpoint slides. I will combine all students’ powerpoint slides so that you can compare and contrast your findings with those of your classmates. Please keep the following formatting issues in mind when writing your paper:

  1. Once again, your paper should be 1-2 pages, double-spaced.
  2. Please use Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins.
  3. Your paper should be proofread and clearly written. Messy papers will lose points.
  4. You may use first person (“I”) in this paper.
How do the primary sources for this week reflect Renaissance humanists reverence for the classical world and how classical ideas or traditions can be applied to Renaissance society?

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