Attached is the plan of the essay that you should use including the required literature that mmost be used in the essay. I have also attached a sample essay that shows how a typical essay should look, the ideal structure and the level of deoth and insight required. Demonstrate orignial, clever thinking and make sure the answer addresses the question directly. Your argument should be supported by (a) original critical reasoning; (b) references to
relevant literature, and (c) multiple examples from different parts of the world; you
can also include (d) empirical evidence (qualitative and/or quantitative). Please note
that an essay will not get a good mark if it is based around case studies of one or
two countries, as this will not provide a general answer to the question. Your style should be thoughtful and scholarly, rather than chatty or journalistic.
However, avoid unnecessary jargon. Imagine the reader is someone trained in
political science, but not necessarily a specialist in the area you are discussing. If you
introduce new terms which may be unclear, explain them.