Analytical essay. 2000 words. Criminology. Law and society.
(!) Calavita, K. (2010).
Types of Society, Types of Law. In Invitation to Law & Society: An
Introduction to the Study of Real Law (Chapter 2). University of Chicago Press.
(!) Gaylord, M. S., Gittings, D., & Traver, H. (Eds.).
(2009). Introduction to Crime, Law and Justice in Hong Kong. In Introduction to
Crime, Law and Justice in Hong Kong (Chapter 1). Hong Kong University Press.
(!) Vago, S., & Barkan, S. E. (2018). Making Sense of Law
and Society. In Law and Society (Chapter 1). Routledge.
Relevant Journals
Students are encouraged to keep up-to-date with relevant
research on politics, crime, and justice, as well as with media coverage of
criminological issues throughout the course. Below are a few journals that will
help you to stay abreast of local, regional, and global issues.
Asian Journal of Criminology; British Journal of Criminology;
China Quarterly; Journal of Criminal
Justice; Criminology and Criminal Justice; Law and Society Review; Global Crime;
Crime, Law, and Social Change; Justice
Quarterly; Law and Policy; Criminology and Public Policy.
– Grade Descriptors for Written Paper
Addressing the Task: Identifies and
addresses clearly the main question(s) and the subsidiary, embedded, or
implicit aspects, addressing their relationships to each other.
Argumentation: Examines the question/issue/ problem
from all important perspectives. Overall logic is clear. Premises or evidence
strongly support conclusions. Counter-evidence or rival positions addressed.
Arguments fit together and build a compelling case.
Structure/organization: Introduction states clearly
writerβs thesis or position, and conclusion clearly summarizes main arguments.
Paragraphing is appropriate at all times with each paragraph containing a
central idea which is developed throughout the paragraph with supporting details.
Understanding, Analysis, Synthesis, and Application of
Knowledge: Consistent perceptive and critical engagement with issues and
themes based on comprehensive understanding of relevant concepts and theories;
the analysis, synthesis and application of knowledge is consistently clear and