2 x 300 word annotations that also analyse the content of the sources, annotation sould provide full citation, general statement about the authors purpose, a short summary, reflection on the usefull ness and and an evaulation utilising the CRAAP test, CRAAP considers the relevace, currency, authority, accuracy and purpose of the text.
here are some sources i have found would be great to use these if possible
Dhinarta, A. B. (2019). Innovation and Creativity in Handling Cases of Domestic Violence from Victimology Perspective. Journal of Creativity Student, 2019, Vol.4 (2), 157-174.
Mancini, C., & Pickett, J. T. (2017). Reaping What They Sow? Victim-Offender Overlap Perceptions and Victim Blaming Attitudes. Victims & offenders, 2017, Vol.12 (3), 434-466.
Posick, C., Lasko, E., & Tremblay, R. E. (2018). On the Need for a Biopsychosocial Victimology: A Foundational Model for Focusing Violence Prevention on Women and Children. Victims & offenders, Vol.13 (7), 938-954.
SAGE Publications. (2018). Journal of victimology and victim justice.
Thornberry, T. P. (2005). Explaining Multiple Patterns of Offending across the Life Course and across Generations. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 602(1), 156-195.
Turanovic, J., Travis, C., & Pratt. (2019). Thinking about victimization : context and consequences.
Turvey, B. E., & Petherick, W. (2009). Forensic victimology : examining violent crime victims in investigative and legal contexts. Elsevier Academic Press.