Exploring the impact of mandatory minimum sentencing laws on the criminal justice system, investigating how these laws influence effectiveness, fairness, rehabilitation, recidivism, and the relation it has with the goal of justice.
(the length of the essay body should be 1,500 words. This doesn’t include cover page, abstract, or reference page.)
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Bird, M., Nguyen, V., & Grattet, R. (2023). Recidivism Outcomes Under a Shifting Continuum of Control. American Journal of Criminal Justice : AJCJ, 48(3), 808-829. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12103-022-09686-5
Fifteen Years of Guidelines Sentencing: An Assessment of How Well the Federal Criminal Justice System Is Achieving the Goals of Sentencing Reform (Nov. 2004). (2005). Federal Sentencing Reporter, 17(4), 269-276. https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/fifteen-years-guidelines-sentencing/docview/219949445/se-2
Chouhy, C., Swagar, N., Brancale, J., Noorman, K., Siennick, S. E., Caswell, J., Bales, W. D., Pesta, G. B., & Blomberg, T. G. (2023). Forecasting the Racial and Ethnic Impacts of ‘Race-Neutral’ Legislation through Researcher and Policymaker Partnerships. American Journal of Criminal Justice : AJCJ, 48(1), 123-150. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12103-021-09619-8