Once you complete the Beginning Steps for the essay, you need to decide on the best essay structure for you.
I suggest using parts of Aristotle’s definition of the tragic hero along with an echo of the prompt in your thesis statement.
As you write your S of Os and TSs, remember to focus on theme and use the components of the tragic hers as the tools Shakespeare used to express his theme.
Complete a word or phrase outline for class Tuesday
Decisions, decisions!
Think about your essay organization and select one option.
- Will you cover the way in which Shakespeare used each of the four components to express his theme in a single paragraph developing 4 body paragraphs and a six paragraph essay? If you do, I suggest using 8 to 11 sentence body paragraphs.
- Will you cover the way in which Shakespeare used each of the four components to express his theme in 3 body paragraphs incorporating the way in which hubris magnifies the other components into the others three by writing a five paragraph essay? If you do, I suggest using 11 sentence body paragraphs.
- Will you cover the way in which Shakespeare used each of the four components to express his theme in 3 body paragraphs incorporating the way in which hubris magnifies the other components into the others three by writing a five paragraph essay? If you do, I suggest using 11 sentence body paragraphs.
- Will you cover the way in which Shakespeare used each of the four components to express his theme in 3 body paragraphs incorporating hubris and hamartia into one paragraph and covering individual paragraphs for anagorisis and peripeteia? If you do, I suggest using 11 sentence body paragraphs.
- Will you cover the way in which Shakespeare used each of the four components to express his theme in 3 body paragraphs one on hubris and one on hamartia and one incorporating anagorisis and peripeteia? If you do, I suggest using 11 sentence body paragraphs.
- Will you cover the way in which Shakespeare used each of the four components to express his theme in 2 body paragraphs, incorporating hubris and hamartia into one paragraph and a second paragraph incorporating anagorisis and peripeteia? If you do, I suggest using 14 sentence body paragraphs.
Make your own copies of the outline components below in order to create a single essay outline
Statement of Organization 1:
Statement of Organization 2:
Statement of Organization 3: (For a 5 paragraph essay)
Statement of Organization 4: (For a 5 paragraph essay)
Option A
Use the following outline for each body paragraph if you are writing a five paragraph essay with three body paragraphs. You will repeat this format 3 times, once for each body paragraph.
Topic Sentence:
Claim 1:
Evidence 1:
Analysis 1:
Claim 2:
Evidence 2:
Analysis 2:
Claim 3:
Evidence 3:
Analysis 3:
Concluding Sentence:
Option B
Use the following outline for each body paragraph if you are writing a four paragraph essay with two body paragraphs. You will repeat this format 2 times, once for each body paragraph.
Topic Sentence:
Claim 1:
Evidence 1:
Analysis 1:
Claim 2:
Evidence 2:
Analysis 2:
Claim 3:
Evidence 3:
Analysis 3:
Claim 4:
Evidence 4:
Analysis 4:
Concluding Sentence:
Outline for Introduction
Statement of Organization 1:
Statement of Organization 2:
Statement of Organization 3: (For a 5 paragraph essay)
Statement of Organization 4: (For a 5 paragraph essay)