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You are asked to play the part of a business researcher, submitting a proposal document to the client for their approval of your plan to research the question you choose. In order to create an appropriate proposal, you are required to analyse the existing academic literature in the area, decide on a context for HOW AI IMPACTS THE LEARNING OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND).
identify an aim and objectives, develop a strategy for sampling, collecting, analysing and interpreting data, and discuss the ethical and other limitations of your research that I will conduct at a later date.
The research proposal is to outline a mixed methods (qualitative AND quantitative) research project
• Title and contents page followed by a short abstract (not included in the word count)
• Introduction briefly covering justification for research (approx. 100 words)
• A short literature review identifying a clear gap in theoretical and practical knowledge; you can also mention the context (company or group of people) briefly that the research is focusing on (approx. 500 words)
• Aim and objectives (approx. 75 words)
• Research methods covering both quantitative and qualitative approaches in a mixed methods study. These approaches should be covered separately (in whichever order you prefer and which makes sense for your study) and in each of the two sections should cover:
o Clear sampling plan for each stage, including sampling frame, sample size, sampling techniques and any requirements for incentives (approx. 200 words i.e. approximately 100 words on the qualitative and 100 words on the quantitative sampling plan)
o Outline of data collection methods for each approach, and commentary on how any surveys or moderators guides will be developed. This should consider issues such as socially desirable responses, issues with literacy, etc. Details about conducting the research (e.g. environment, recording data, any materials required) should be covered (approx. 400 words for EACH of quantitative and qualitative)
o Plans for data presentation, coding, analysis and interpretation suitable for each research approach (approx. 200 words for EACH of quantitative and qualitative).
• Consideration of ethics issues arising from the research and how you would address these (approx. 200 words)
• Description of any limitations of the research (approx. 100 words)
• Proposed time frame for the research, ideally using a Gantt chart (max. 100 words) and brief closing summary
• References (not included in the word count)
• Appendices (including a draft of the data collection methods e.g. survey or interview questions, a completed ethics risk assessment form – which can be the same as the rest of your group, and a table summarizing the literature review sources [see Tutorial 3] (not included in the word count)