For this assignment there needs to be a complete literature review of 10 sources answers the following
Research Question
How does colorism in Brazil affect the everyday lives of the Afro-Brazilian community?
Research Subquestions
Are the Black communities in Brazil offered the same opportunities as the white Brazilians?
How has the Atlantic slave trade affected the lives of African descendents in Brazil?
How has life evolved for Afro-Brazilians since the abolishment of slavery in 1888?
What is miscegenation and how has it divided Brazil?
-history of miscengation, how it developed, itโs impact on Brazilians? Short term v Long term
All of the sources must be scholary articles or relevant books.
There also must must footnotes in chicago style along with the works cited page.
To begin the literature review it would be best to begin with the history of the atlantic slave trade , then it
should begin to go into how was it affected the livelihood of the Afro- Brazilians. I have attached some
sources that can be used to complete the literature review but more need to be found and used.
Make sure all arguements are supported by evidence from the literature, also there needs to be a direct
connect from the literature to the hypthosis that throughly answers the subquestions.
Every source needs a summary and a paragraph or two on how it answers the hypothesis or subquestions.