A detailed proposal for your research paper. This must include an introduction, a literature review, a theory section, a research methods a conclusion, and a bibliography. This is a formal piece of writing, and it should not be taken lightly. It is a very specific and actionable plan about what you intend to do for each section of your final paper, so you need to think ahead.
- Introduction
- Should include:
- Brief history, a very brief context of the topic
- Motivation for Research
- Research question (1 sentence): The entire paper will revolve around this question
- The research question should be mentioned at least one in the introduction
- The answer to the research question (1 sentence)
- Research GAP
- Has this been done already?
- What have you identified?
- Ex: People have talked about the South China Sea, but missed this…
- Literature Review
- Should include:
- Sources that are in conversation with the paper
- Sources should be those that ask the same research question or related research questions
- Sources should those with authors examining a similar topic that is relevant for thinking about the answer to your question
- The central task for the literature review is to reveal the gap in existing research
- In the end of the literature review, readers should be able to answer the following questions:
- Has someone else already done what you are doing?
- What are the existing debates surrounding/related to your research question
- What is inadequate about these existing debates/studies?
- Theory
- Should include:
- Independent variable or dependent variable
- An explanation of the research gap (what is your position?)
- Given that gap how are you going to fill that gap
- Best argument in support of your issue
- Logic of the argument
- Why are you in this position?
- What is your argument?
- Research Design/Research Methods
- Should Include:
- How do you plan to show the reader you are right?
- How are you going to demonstrate the argument is right or wrong?
- Statistical Analysis (case study is the best thing, blue print of what the research is going to be)
- If you choose a case study, why did you choose a case study, why didn’t you choose a regression
- Why did you choose this specific method?
- Justify case selection (why is it right?)
- Few sentences on what are you exactly going to use to do the case study
- Are you going to look at books, Japanese news articles?
- What kind of sources are you going to use?
- Use the following case study:
- The South China Sea Arbitration Case (Philippines vs. China) in 2013
- Conclusion
- Should include:
- A summary of what you just did
- What did you exactly find in your research?
- What are the policy implications?
- Discuss the implications in this section
- Bibliography