The word limits below are rough guidelines for how long each section should be, these can change as its written
Research aimsWhy the research is important in today’s societyBriefly introduce primary academic works used
Include theoretical/conceptual and empirical studiesInclude relevant background information e.g. statistics on the problemIdentify gaps in knowledgeBe critical, and combine/contrast studies
Explain the methodological approachGive a detailed account of exactly what you did and whyCover data collection, analysis, ethicsSteps taken to avoid bias and increase rigour
Present findings objectively, but do not interpret/analyse them (unless you are combining the discussion section here, whatever works best)Main themes and categoriesDescriptive statistics and possibly inferential statistics, tables/graphs/figures (if applicable)Quotations
Reiterate research questionsInterpret findingsCross-link with existing literatureExplain why this is relevent to society e.g. policy, research implications, theorySurprising, novel, expected findingsPotential future directionsLimitations, contrasting or opposing literature (e.g. compare to women’s sports societies or subject-based/other societies (sociology society, book society, DnD society), is lad culture more closely linked to drinking culture?)
Summarise each chapter and end with concluding thoughts to tie it together
My own writing style tends to use citations in-text more often than paraphrasing, if this could be implemented that would be perfect.