This is a personal essay, an opinion. Identify one idea which you think Ava Chin is saying about the immigrant experience in Part 1. Then tell me what ideas, experiences, or thoughts you have about the immigrant experience in US history prior to our class? How do those two ideas relate.Do they complement one another or contradict each other? Use some specific information from any chapter of Mott Street.Font: Calibri / size 12
Paragraphs: All paragraphs should be double spaced without extra spacing between paragraphs Margins: 1 inch all around Length: 3-5 pages. Must have read part 1 of “Mott Street”
argument. It isn’t a statement of fact or a general topic. It’s your specific argument.
2- You need specific examples from the course material. That will help prove you learned
3- Organization your materials in a logical manner. Think about what info you’re putting
first and what comes next. Your strongest argument should always come first!
4- Use paragraphs. They should be about 4-5 lines long. The paragraph will contain a very
specific point. Your argument/proof can be spread out over multiple paragraphs, that’s
ok! But this paper should have a minimum of 6 paragraphs. (Paragraphs make it easier to
read and understand your work… hint: always make it easy on your reader!)
5- Conclude your paper with a paragraph that summarizes your argument. Conclusions
should not have new points in them