This assignment is a report on the organization “The Housing Help Centre”. All of the instructions are atached but there are some additional notes I should tell you.
After you’ve read the instructions, this will make sense. You are trying to address the larger issue that the organization is trying to take on. For example, since this org is looking at a housing problem in Toronto, look into why there is a housing problem, who it primarily affects, is it due to high cost? Gentrification? No affordable housing? Is there a rise in drug use amongst people. You’re supposed to go deeper into the problem and offer solution to them by suggesting a new social media practice to take on.
I also attached a sample report so you can base it off that. It should be addressed to the head of the org, and formatted in the same way.
There also needs to be some peer reviewed sources and in text citations. Use a mix of direct and paraphrased quotes