The Theory and Practice of Change Management
John Hayes
Organisational Change Management HRM09403
Remember, they are regularly reviewed and updated by management teams. You
should reference the theory of both models appropriately. Produce a PEST and
SWOT for Air Light prior to the change based on data from the case study. The
contents of the PEST and SWOT presented in tables are excluded from the word
count. The elements / drivers for change identified in the PEST impact on the
Opportunities and Threats sections of the SWOT. The internal factors in the case
study impact the Strengths and Weaknesses sections.
incremental change. What is transformational change (according to the literature) –
what is incremental change (according to the literature) – and the discuss what type
of change Air Light is going through, detailing the rationale for deciding this (the case
study evidence). You should cover Nadler’s (1995) model relating to the different
types of incremental and transformational change as the key model that underpins
this discussion.
mixed and the other model is Carnall’s coping cycle (2003). Please cover each
model from a theoretical perspective, explain what the theory of each is and then
consider where employees might be in each of the models as a first step in analysing
the situation. Then go on to consider how to mitigate some of the issues arising from
each group of employees.
table format. A potential table format is provided below.
Recommendation Priority Level
Rationale for the
recommendation and for
the priority assigned to it.
Create your introduction last as it explains the approach you have taken to answer
each question.
Remember, to use headings to signpost the contents of each section. Try to avoid
Q1, Q2 etc. but instead use an imaginative title that fully reflects the content of that
section e.g. What are the external / internal drivers impacting upon Air Light.
Provide a table of contents with page numbers to help signpost your response.
Use appendices, if you wish, but always refer to the appendices in the response.
Your name should not appear anywhere.
Write in 3rd person, e.g. This report will …. OR According to Lewin (1951)… .
Use font size 11 or 12 and Ariel.
Apply double line spacing and ensure your spell checker is set to UK English.
Left hand justification is preferred.
Please do not use a text box, simply create a word document.
Tables and charts should be inserted into the response where they are referred to. In
addition to the table / chart title always provide a source. Please note that it is also
good practice to detail the model and then to use that as the basis for the discussion.
E.G. the Nadler 4 boxes presented as a model then each of the boxes discussed to
explain the theory.
Submit as one file via Turnitin using your matriculation number as the filename.
Use the draft checking facility to help you reduce the similarity index score.
Do not use quotations, always try to paraphrase to display YOUR knowledge and
understanding of the concepts. Quotations should only be used where you are
quoting a definition – and where paraphrasing the definition would contribute to
losing some understanding.
Ask a trusted friend to peer edit your final version to help remove any grammar or
spelling issues.
Refer to University guides to help avoid plagiarism, available on your Dashboard.