**Human Resource Management and SE**: “Effective human resource management in startups is a key driver for fostering a culture of sustainability, directly impacting the success of sustainable entrepreneurial ventures.”

Write a research informed essay on Sustainable
Entrepreneurship. You are free to decide the frame, but the minimum requirement
is that 3 of the weekly topics are chosen and (a) methodologically, (b)
conceptually, or (c) theoretically represented within the essay.
Before you start the course… think of a
few questions, e.g.:

•How might
(under what conditions) entrepreneurship contribute to a sustainable

•How do
sustainable entrepreneurs identify themselves (or are identified by others) and
in which contexts?

You are welcome to take a reflective and analytic perspective and examine what
entrepreneurship has contributed so far to a sustainable transition. Or perhaps
try to make your point on why you think entrepreneurship is contributing or not
contributing to a sustainable transition? 

Perhaps you already have some opinions regarding issues
related to SE. What are they? Your opinions could help you draft a few thesis
statements to consider throughout the course. In your essay you will then
elaborate/discuss/argue your thesis.

An interesting essay will be one where you write about
something that could be debated (maybe not everyone agrees with you) and
perhaps where differing opinions shape the public discourse. Your task is to
argue your thesis and use existing research to back your arguments.

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