I need help Rewriting to enhance my essay and for it to say that it is at least 90% Human on GPTZero and Turnitin.

You have my gratitude for all the hard work and dedication you’re putting into helping me with this essay. This assignment is incredibly important to me, and I’m placing so much hope in its success—my academic future truly depends on it.

Thank you in advance for all that you do. I’m incredibly lucky to have your support, and I’m hopeful that this essay will shine because of your help. 

Wishing you the best of luck as you work on this, and again, thank you so much!
Note that I have two different varitions of pretty much the same exact essay. Hopefully because you have these two varitions you can more comprehensively Rewrite the essay. 
I am giving you a lot of information so that you know how to do the best work. Thank you. 

Please make sure that all of the following is perfectly respected 10/10, for the :

Rewriting Instructions for Hedda Gabler Essay

  1. Enhance Content and Analysis:

    • Strengthen the thesis statement to ensure it presents a significant, focused, and original argument. Make sure it’s clear, analytical, and sets the direction for the entire essay.
    • Deepen the analysis by incorporating a more detailed close reading of relevant quotes and themes. Ensure each quote is directly supporting the argument and thoroughly explained.
    • Ensure the development of ideas is comprehensive, with each main and supporting argument fully explored and logically connected.
  2. Improve Structure and Writing:

    • Refine sentence structure to maintain grammatical accuracy and stylistic variety, ensuring clarity and impact.
    • Ensure each paragraph has a clearly articulated idea that does not repeat previous points. Use strong transitions to maintain a logical flow between paragraphs.
    • Maintain logical organization throughout, with well-reasoned ordering of ideas that build upon each other to reinforce the thesis.
  3. Enhance Language and Mechanics:

    • Improve the clarity of language, making sure word choice is precise, unambiguous, and suited to the rhetorical situation.
    • Pay careful attention to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage. Correct any errors in verb agreement, modifier placement, and ensure all names and key terms are spelled correctly.
    • Ensure documentation follows MLA guidelines, with proper citation of quotes and a correctly formatted Works Cited page.
  4. Total Impression:

    • Focus on creating an essay with high energy, originality, and reading appeal. Ensure the essay is engaging and leaves a strong impression on the reader.
  5. Humanization for Plagiarism Detection:

    • Ensure that the essay achieves at least an 85% human score on GPTZero and Turnitin by avoiding repetitive AI-like patterns, using varied sentence structures, and maintaining an authentic, human-like writing tone.
    • Revise the content to be original and non-detectable as AI-generated while ensuring the writing still aligns with academic standards and rigor.
  6. Proof of 10/10 Alignment with Grading Criteria:

    • Provide a summary proof or statement from ChatGPT or another writing tool that confirms the essay fully meets the following grading criteria:
      • Content: Insights, thinking, depth, grasp of concepts, serious grappling with the topic.
      • Detail: Relevant and persuasive evidence or support, sufficient quotation, handling of sources.
      • Organization: Guiding the reader with topic sentences, transitions, and focus (thesis); structure suited to content.
      • Language: Syntax, wording, voice, diction appropriate to the rhetorical situation, concision.
      • Mechanics: Spelling (names & key terms), grammar, punctuation, usage, proofreading.
      • Total Impression: Energy, originality, reading appeal, process.
      • Is this a perfect MLA argumentive essay that perfectyl proves that Hedda Gabler is a tragedy. 
      • Essay Content: 50% 

        Content refers to the following elements: 

        • Thesis: a significant, focused, original, analytical argument 

        • Analysis: accurate and detailed close reading of the chosen text(s), including appropriate usage of any relevant literary concepts 

        • Development of ideas: thoughtful elaboration of main and supporting arguments 

        • Textual evidence: clear, properly incorporated quotations in direct support of the argument 

        Essay Structure and Writing: 50% 

        Structure and writing refer to the following elements: 

        • Sentence structure: grammatically correct and stylistically varied sentences 

        • Paragraph structure: each paragraph develops one clearly-articulated idea, without repeating previous paragraphs 

        • Logical organization: well-reasoned ordering of ideas 

        • Clarity: unambiguous, intelligible word and phrasing choices; use of varied and appropriate diction 

        • Documentation: correct documentation of sources using MLA guidelines 

        • Grammar and spelling: correct use of verbs, prepositions, agreement, modifiers, etc.; correct spelling 

        • Punctuation: correct use of commas, colons, semicolons, periods, apostrophes, dashes, etc. 

        out of the 17 different grading stuff it needs to be 17/17 perfectly answered/respected, and each one needs at least 9/10 or 10/10 graded by ChatGPT. 
The the Re-written essay needs to keep the following order: 

To improve your MLA argumentative essay on Hedda Gabler and ensure it meets your grading criteria, let’s refine the content and organization based on your goals and previous essay insights. Here’s a step-by-step guide to enhance your essay for clarity, coherence, depth, and readability:


  1. Killer Hook:
    Start with a captivating sentence that instantly grabs the reader’s attention, e.g., “In a world where societal expectations serve as invisible chains, the quest for autonomy can lead to a tragic collapse.” This will set the stage for a deeper exploration of Hedda Gabler as a tragedy.

  2. Background Information:
    Introduce Henrik Ibsen and his play Hedda Gabler. Briefly mention how the play fits into the tragic genre and the broader context of 19th-century existential and societal constraints.

  3. Thesis Statement:
    Formulate a clear, focused thesis that directly answers the question of whether Hedda Gabler is a tragedy. For instance: “Hedda Gabler is a tragedy in the classical sense, where the protagonist’s noble background, fatal flaw, and societal constraints culminate in her inevitable downfall.” Make sure this thesis can guide the rest of your essay and is placed prominently in your introduction.

Body Paragraphs:

Each paragraph must clearly articulate a new idea supported by evidence and quotes from the play. Ensure transitions smoothly connect the paragraphs, maintaining the flow and building upon previous points.

  1. Paragraph 1: Hedda’s Aristocratic Background and Tragic Flaw

    • Topic Sentence: Introduce Hedda as a tragic figure bound by her aristocratic heritage and obsessive desire for control.
    • Evidence: Use quotes to show how Hedda’s noble status confines her to a suffocating life. Example: “Her aristocratic and elegant figure symbolizes the societal expectations and pressures that define her existence” (Hedda Gabler, 175).
    • Analysis: Explain how these pressures shape her actions and lead to her downfall. The “aristocratic roots” act as both a source of pride and a prison.
    • Conclusion: Tie back to the thesis by emphasizing that Hedda’s actions align with the elements of classical tragedy.
  2. Paragraph 2: The Symbol of the Pistols and Hedda’s Violent Impulses

    • Topic Sentence: Discuss how Hedda’s fixation on her father’s pistols symbolizes her destructive desires and need for control.
    • Evidence: Use the quote where Hedda shifts the conversation to her pistols: “Oh, well… I’ve got one thing at least that I can pass the time with. My pistols…Jorgen” (Hedda Gabler, 198).
    • Analysis: Analyze how the pistols represent Hedda’s yearning for power and control. The casual mention of them, contrasted with Tesman’s alarm, highlights her chilling nonchalance and foreshadows her inevitable destruction.
    • Conclusion: Reinforce how the pistols symbolize her tragic flaw and eventual demise.
  3. Paragraph 3: Hedda’s Manipulation of Ejlert Lövborg

    • Topic Sentence: Explore how Hedda’s manipulation of Ejlert Lövborg showcases her tragic need for control over life and death.
    • Evidence: Use the quote where Hedda encourages Lövborg to commit suicide beautifully: “Couldn’t you let it happen… beautifully?” (Hedda Gabler, 245).
    • Analysis: Explain how this manipulation represents Hedda’s ultimate desire for control over fate. When Lövborg’s death doesn’t unfold as she envisioned, it underscores the futility of her quest for control.
    • Conclusion: This failed manipulation exemplifies Hedda’s tragic flaw, leading to both her own and others’ destruction.
  4. Counterargument: The Mock-Tragedy Perspective

    • Topic Sentence: Introduce the counterargument that Hedda Gabler is a “mock-tragedy” due to Hedda’s lack of self-awareness.
    • Evidence: Reference critics like Caroline W. Mayerson, who argue that Hedda’s lack of enlightenment diminishes the tragic impact.
    • Rebuttal: Argue that Hedda’s lack of insight deepens the tragedy, as her inability to escape societal constraints and her own destructive tendencies is what truly makes her story resonate as a modern tragedy.
    • Conclusion: Reaffirm that Hedda’s fate is tragic, even if it doesn’t fit the traditional mold of heroic tragedy.
  5. Paragraph 4: Catharsis and Audience Impact

    • Topic Sentence: Discuss how Hedda Gabler evokes catharsis—pity and fear—in the audience, which is key to tragedy.
    • Evidence: Use examples like Hedda’s final realization of her entrapment: “In your power, all the same. Subject to your will and your demands. No longer free!” (Hedda Gabler, 262).
    • Analysis: Explain how this loss of control and eventual suicide evoke pity and fear in the audience, creating the emotional release that is central to tragedy.
    • Conclusion: Highlight how Hedda Gabler functions as a tragedy through its emotional impact on the audience.


  1. Restate Thesis: Reaffirm that Hedda Gabler is a tragedy, driven by Hedda’s fatal flaw and the societal pressures that lead to her demise.
  2. Summary of Arguments: Briefly summarize the points made in your body paragraphs, highlighting Hedda’s tragic qualities, the counterargument and rebuttal, and the cathartic impact of the play.
  3. Final Thought: End with a powerful closing line, such as: “Hedda Gabler’s story is a timeless reminder of the tragic consequences that arise when the human spirit clashes with the confines of society.”
You have my gratitude for all the hard work and dedication you’re putting into helping me with this essay. This assignment is incredibly important to me, and I’m placing so much hope in its success—my academic future truly depends on it.
Thank you in advance for all that you do. I’m incredibly lucky to have your support, and I’m hopeful that this essay will shine because of your help. 
Wishing you the best of luck as you work on this, and again, thank you so much!

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