The systematic review question is open. It could be prevalence of hearing loss and diabetes, or it could be the relationship between a drug used in diabetes and hearing loss, or it could be the relation between males and females with diabetes and hearing loss… it could potentially be anything. It is mandatory to follow the PRISMA guidelines for a systematic review (attached file), it must be carefully followed item by item. Ideally the systematic review should include between 30-40 references (citation style: NEJM). The paper should contain 4200 words (approximate) and should be structured in double-column format (font size 8-9 and style Arial or Times New Roman). It should include at least 2 figures (but i am willing to pay extra for more figures):
the systematic review flow diagram (article selection) and one table comparing the articles included in the review. The number of articles included in the revision depens, but it should at least contain 12-15 (minimum). Any other question, please contact me.