i will upload a set of questions of a case study at 4pm uae time wednesday and i want them answered at 5pm , they will be easy and would probably take less time

Assignment Instructions:
Individual Assignment
Due Date : Wed 20 March, 6:15 PM on BB
File Type : Word Doc ONLY

Read the materials attached (Case Study) and answer all questions that follow. Your answers must be based on the case study content and the relevant concepts covered in the course. The submission must be individual within the allotted time. Up to two pages of writing are expected. Please find attached the file for the answer sheet to use for your answers.

Special Instructions to students:
The common assessment is an individual assessment, in a form of a case study and questions followed. It is not an open book assessment, and no external resources are allowed. All what you need is to read the case study carefully and answer the questions based on your understanding, analytical insights and critical thinking. The questions are all reflected in the course materials covered so far in the class with a need to think critically and creatively and link your answer to the case.
Please read below instructions:
Stick to the due date/time sharply. No late submissions are accepted. Thus, No make ups or second attempts are allowed.
Submissions should be through BB only and in word doc only, Please avoid using pages tool or paste the answer directly in BB.
Your answer should be in your own words, hence No copy and Paste from anywhere at all, including the questions, and the case study text as the submissions will be checked through safeAssign. Make sure your submission does not raise any SafeAssign issues and or other electronic resources similarity and copy past issues such as ChatGPT and other open source platforms as the case study with the answers are already uploaded to the ChatGPT through open AI applications.
This is an individual assignment NOT a group work: You have one submission oportunity only so make sure everything is OK before submitting.
Clear and sufficient answers: Expected answer 1.5 -2 pages, in total for the whole assignment
You need to use the answer sheet attached when writing your answers. Do Not rewrite the questions again in the answer sheet paper in order not to raise Safe Assign issues. Just provide your answers like this:
Q1 ,,,,,,, answer
Q2,,,,,,,, and so on
One submission for each student.
Here are some SafeAssign guidelines: Similarity percent allowed is up to 10%. By exceeding this limit, the ceiling of the assessment will be based on the following categories:
15%-25%: Ceiling of A-
25%-35%: Ceiling of B-
35%-50%: Ceiling of C-
50%-70%: Ceiling of D-
Above 70%: Zero mark, and the case will be reported to the Dean.
Please use the attached answer sheet for your answers

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