I need you to write a literature review on the topic of “ identifying barriers to diabetes care provided by diabetes consultants in Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCCs) in the Aseer Region. Our region is home to 287 PHCCs, serving a population of 2,024,285. This will serve as my master’s research. My mentor mentioned that I will not require Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval it’s more action study. He also advised that I should not include patients in my study due to the challenges associated with sample collection; instead, I will focus solely on healthcare providers. Additionally, he suggested that I utilize questionnaires from previous studies rather than developing a new one. Therefore, I need assistance with the literature review and the questionnaire.
Identifying Barriers to Diabetes Care Provided by Diabetes Consultants in Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCCs) in the Aseer Region: A Cross-Sectional Study
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