The final project will have a class data set that will be available to form the basis of your final project preparation. The topic we will be studying is the impacts of humans causing wildlife deaths. In particular, we will use real-world observations from the “California Roadkill Observation System” for the year 2023: to an external site. .
These data are to be analyzed and written up as a report by each student with the following format:
- Abstract or Summary (no more than 250 words)
- Introduction (with research questions and hypotheses), citing at least 20 peer-reviewed articles
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conservation and management Implications
- Literature Cited
- Tables (imbedded in text)
- Figures (imbedded in text)
This format is for a scientific paper. Must be ~5,000 words excluding literature cited (typed with arial font, single-spaced, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins) with maximum 6 tables/figures. Students may work in groups or individually to brainstorm data analysis, but each student prepares an individual report. All references must come from credible sources: peer-reviewed scientific journals and in some cases, reports by government agencies.
The California_roadkill_observations_2023 (1).xlsx Is the data you need to use