In 1898 the U.S. declared war on Spain. Discuss why the Spanish-American War has been called the “splendid little war,” the reasons offered as to why the U.S. decided to engage in this war, and if you agree or disagree with these reasons. We also fought the Philippine-American War during this period. Discuss possible reasons why this war has been largely ignored.
- Prepare the assignment as a Word Document, double-spaced, and using a standard 12-point font.
- Paragraphs in an essay are not numbered. Any questions that are associated with an assigned reading are there to serve as a guide for your discussion.
- Your discussion should incorporate all of the information from the documents and or textbook, and outside sources as one essay.
- Students are required to research and incorporate into their discussions additional sources that relate to the content. Recommendations can be found at the end of the textbook chapter in Additional Reading.
- All statements must be supported, and all sources must be identified and cited, and included in your reference list. This also applies to the textbook. Failure to do so constitutes Plagiarism, and the college has strict policies and penalties for failure to comply. Under the Resources, you will find links to sites that review how to format a paper or essay. I recommend that students use APA or Chicago Style to format their essays. Students should ask their instructor which format style they prefer you to use.