We recommend that you submit Assignment 2 at the end of Module 5. It contributes 15% towards your final grade.
Review the Alliston Instruments case in the Appendix of your textbook:
- Singh, P., & Long, R. J. (2022) Strategic compensation in Canada (7th ed.). Toronto, ON: Top Hat.
As is mentioned in the Alliston Instruments case, because you are an expert in human resources management, the CEO has asked for your help.
In a written paper of approximately 4–5 pages in length (approximately 1,200–1,400 words), develop a compensation strategy to:
- define the required behaviour,
- define the role of compensation within the organization, and
- determine the compensation mix.
HintYour compensation strategy should include these three headings.
Your plan will address the compensation for the following three positions found within the case.
- Component Producers
- Assembly Producers
- Supervisors
You will not yet develop the compensation levels (salaries or wages), as that will be covered in future modules. You will revisit this case in Assignment 3, which is due in Module 9. For this assignment you are completing the first three steps in Formulating a Compensation Strategy.
Completion Guidelines
- Save your assignment as a PDF document and name the file: HRMN 4831_A2_Your First Initial_Your Last Name.pdf. Do not break your assignment into separate files; save all your work for this assignment as one .pdf file.
- Put the course number (HRMN 4831), the assignment number (e.g., Assignment 2), the assignment name, the date, your name, the course name, the university name, your name, and your student number on the title page.
- Use information and terminology learned in the course.
- Support your statements with specific examples.
- Cite references (including your textbook) using correct APA format. TRU Library’s APA Citation Style web page is a valuable resource for this assignment.
- Proofread your essay to ensure there are no spelling mistakes and to check that your writing is grammatically correct, clear, and well organized.
NoteIf you have not included in-text citations, your paper may be given a failing grade. Refer to TRU’s Academic Integrity Policy for information on Plagiarism.
The following rubric will be used to grade your work:
/100 Marks
Depth of response
Surface, insufficient depth.
Lacking depth in one or two areas.
Depth of response is at expected levels.
Depth of response is beyond expected levels.
Clarity of ideas
Confused interpretation of most points, or several major ideas.
Confused interpretation of some minor points.
At expected levels.
Beyond expected levels.
APA citations
Frequent or serious errors in APA citation practices.
Minor errors in APA citation practices.
All sources cited and referenced correctly.
Sources used to strengthen argument.
English usage
Frequent or serious errors in grammar, sentence structure, or word usage.
Minor errors in grammar, sentence structure, or word usage.
No errors in grammar, sentence structure, or word usage.
Exceptional fluency and language capacity supports communicative purpose.
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